Import from IMAP Mailbox

With the Import from IMAP Mailbox, mails can be fetched with the IMAP-Protocoll from a mailserver and archived in a REDDOXX Archive Container.

The following steps are required to Import mails from IMAP Mailbox:

  1. In the Import menu, select Import from IMAP Mailbox.
  2. Click on the four different symbols in the left side and enter the necessary information in the window to the right.
    Each configuration step is described further down in this document.
  3. Finish the configuration with OK and proceed with the Task Prepare / Import as described in the Best Practice Document.

The Task will be activated and can then be manually started or with the Task Scheduler.

IMAP Server
Enter the respective IMAP server.
The hostname or the IP address of the server is allowed.

The corresponding TCP port for IMAP needs to be entered.
The standard port is 143.
The standard port for SSL transmission is 993.

To secure files during a transmission, the transmission can be encrypted via SSL/TLS.
The standard setting is called SSL.
Make sure that the sending server(here the IMAP server), also supports the respective method of secure transmission.
Modern mail servers, for example MS Exchange 2010, have, by default, the unencrypted transmission method (None or Plain) deactivated!

A valid username to access the IMAP server needs to be entered.

The corresponding password for the above username needs to be given.

Connection Test
The connection to the IMAP server will be tested.

Make sure that the readout of the IMAP mailboxes on the mail server is not restricted.
In the case of large folders, the process can take a longer period of time.
Timeouts or limitations on the server need to be avoided.

Access permissions to imported mails can be administered with the ACLs.
A user can have one or more e-mail addresses.
If one of these addresses is available in ACL, the user will have access to the mail in the MailDepot.
Generally both the sender and recipient address will be entered in the ACL, since these are found in the header of an internet e-mail.
It is possible to manually add further addresses.

Verify ACL against the appliance local recipient list
The sender and recipient addresses of the imported mails will be verified with the E-mail Aliases found in the REDDOXX appliance.
Only when these addresses are found in the appliance, the mail will be imported.
Mails which were not accepted can be examined further in the report.

Use Mail Header for ACL
All sender and recipient addresses found in the header will be applied when defining the ACLs.
The addresses found in the “To” field, as well as “CC” filed, will be taken into account.
This is the default setting.

Static ACL
If additional users should have access to the imported mails, it is possible to manually enter the e-mail addresses in this field.
Static Email Addresses for the ACL need to be entered line by line (one Address per line), this should be done via an external editor with Copy&Paste to the ACL List.

The Folder Filter allows you to include or exclude certain directories and/or subdirectories during an Import cycle.
Make sure that the selected path information corresponds with previously entered subdirectories.
The folder needs to be entered relatively to the folder that was set in the path settings.
Never begin an entry with a slash (/).
A star (*) is the only symbol allowed and can be used as a wildcard

No Filter
All mails found in the selected directory will be imported.
Any further filter settings will be ignored.

Only Import the specified folders
Only the listed folder names in the selected directory will be imported.

Exclude the specified folders
The folder names listed here will be excluded from the Import.

Verify filter
Confirms which folders should be included in or excluded from the import.
The previously entered filter settings will be analyzed
All directories selected for an import will be listed together with the corresponding filter.
Under the column State, you can see if the folder will be included in or excluded from the import.
The folder structure is loaded when performing verify filter the first time.
If the folder structure is altered, you need to modify the task again to update the changes (and the folder structure).

With the Message Filter, it is possible to exclude mails which meet certain criteria, such as certain dates or size restrictions.

Only archive messages newer than
Only mails created after a certain date and time will be archived.

Only archive messages older than
Only mails created before a certain date and time will be archived.

Only archive messages with size

   greater than
   Only mails which are larger than the size entered will be archived.
   less than
   Only mails which are smaller than the size entered will be archived.